Friday, October 3, 2008

Week 6: My Vision Shattered, Lets PICK up the pieces again! Shall we?

During the election I was very nervous because it was my third time running for student office. Everyone had such great speeches. I think that Leonel Sa. would make a great VP. When I see Kevin Dang as president I kinda wonder if he can be serious or not. I feel he joke and play around to much. But, there's moments that I felt that he can overcome that can be serious. When the result came, I was shock to know that I didn't get the position. I was so heart broken because I worked so hard. So many people were also disappointed that I didn't get it. In a way I felt that I kind of disappointed them. After everything I was given a choice to become the school's Public Affairs Officer. This was a great chance for me to redeem myself. Beside public affairs is all I really do anyways. I hope to continue my positive energy to people that needs it, and I will not give up trying. Lets pick up the pieces again shall we?

Below is a copy of my speech, read it and tell me what you think?

Welcome Burtonians,

My name is Minh Tran; I'm a senior for those who don't know me personally. First and foremost, I would like to thank you all for coming here and supporting me. You guys might have noticed that I am running for the position as president of student government. The reason why I am doing this is to benefit you guys and our school community. I am also doing this because I care, and I actually want to see positive change within our school campus.
Last year, I was one of the devoted candidates that ran for Junior class President. I ran against Danice Delos Santos, and we both had great ideas and opinions on how we should govern our school. The campaign left me with many great memories and experiences that I learned from, and I can apply these ideas to this new year, although I lost to a great leader and friend.
I stand here once again before you all: The Freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and my fellow seniors. As I am hoping to win as ASB President, I know you guys will not be disappointed if I win, since I am a dedicated leader who never gives up and never loses focus. I think that you would want a leader who does not give up, right? I am that person, and I will not let you down. I am one of those consistant people who keeps going until I achieve success.
I have been with ASB for the past three years, showing my admiration for our school since I was a freshman. I have experiences in making difficult decisions with school affiliations, such as homecoming, boatdance, food fests, rallies, and most school activities. How many of you guys went to last years homecoming? From what I have heard, that was one of the best homecomings Burton has ever hosted. I was part of a fantastic team of planners and event coordinators, lead by the members of ASB. In fact, because I contribute so many useful ideas, the name "Puma Night Club" that I thought of last year for our homecoming, is the name that Burton will always carry on as a school tradition.
If elected president of our school, I will not fail Burton and I promise to do whatever it takes to make our school a better place to learn and socialize. As president of the school, I want to provide a better way of communicating throughout campus. Journalism is the perfect example of that proposal. Last year journalism was going to be canceled, but I fought to keep the program alive; and now, we are changing directions for the best of our school. We are getting rid of the actual paper, and publishing it online so that everyone can access information conveniently within seconds. Also, Clubs are one of our best after school activitities that need to be acknowledged. Most of these clubs are limited on funding; However, I plan to do more fundraising events that can contribute a decent amount of money to support these evergrowing clubs. This also falls under the four, different class budgets. I plan to invest in the freshmen and sophomore classes, since you are what is going to keep our school motivated. Meanwhile, I want to give the seniors something they can remember when they graduate. We, as the body of the school, need to work together in spreading school pride and self determination of what we want to do after high school.
I ask you to vote for ME, Minh Tran, as your President of not only student government, but also our school community. Please don't hesitate to come to me and express your ideas and concerns on how we can all change the school, since I am willing to listen and can easily be approached.
Thank you, once again, and remember: If you vote for Minh, you will WIN!

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