Friday, February 13, 2009

Open Heart Surgery

The Summary of the Article: Open Heart Surgery

People around the world are dying each day from different complication with their hearts. This article discusses about the risky surgery known as open heart transplant. This treatment can only be order when a patient is suffering from a serious case of heart failure. It’s pretty simple if you really look at it. Doctors basically take out the old and damaged heart and replace it with a donated heart. “Today, more than 85 percent of heart recipients will live at least an additional year and more than 70 percent will live five more years. However, patients continue to face a lengthy waiting list to receive a donor heart.” A heart donation is really rare and sometime people can die from waiting for a donor. Over time scientists have done many researches on this topic. They have created mechanical hearts to save lives. Since there is a shortage of people willing to donated their heart these machine hearts are the second best things. When a person go through heart transplant there is a high risk of other complications as well. After their surgery the have to follow up with hard doses of medicine after being discharge from the hospital.
My Views
I think that the health fields are becoming very high tech! I idea of having a heart planted into your body is really amazing! I think that people should have the best chance to survive. I like the idea of having a machine that pumps your heart instead of a real one. This article made me realized that I should take care of my body especially my heart.

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