Friday, April 3, 2009

AOF Finance: Project Reflection

In this project my team and I were assigned the topic of “Phone Calls” as our AOF financial project. Compared to other teams we thought that this topic was the easiest of them all. However, we were proven wrong. It was actually harder for us because the topic was too general. Our team had to make wise decisions when it comes to creativity and its effeteness. We delegated each tasked by identifying each of our member's strengths and weakness. Since I was more familiar with cameras and editing softwares. The team choose me to do most of the editing. Ada and Andrew were our behind the scene crew. Their task were to gather pictures and files that can be useful to our project. Alyssa and Dyesha were the models in the film. Due to lack of time Andrew and I had to fill in Dyesha's slot. Our main goal by doing this topic is because we wanted to make it clear to trainees that there are some guidelines that they must follow when calling a client about their tax returns. Our team brainstormed real live situations that could happen to them if they follow it correctly. We also provided two clips that shows them the outcome if they do it wrong and how to do it correctly.  We hope that our hands on methods can help improve their understanding of how making phone calls in the tax office works. 

During the durations of this project we came upon many difficulties with the editing software. There were miscommunications that cold have been avoided. That cause us some delay when it came to recording out voices for our powerpoint presentations. Since Team Phone Calls had great teamwork, we managed to get our rough materials for the editing on time. We wished that we could have had more time for preparations. Many other teams seem to be annoyed by the outcome of their project. However, our team were sort of satisfied with ours. But, we felt that we could have dine better if we had more time to complete it. 

I am very proud of my team members because they completed the task that was given to them. People under estimated their full potentials because they assume that my team members are just plain lazy. Actually, we were one of the first teams to finish their presentations and had a working powerpoint. Somehow other teams had some problem powerpoint. 

This brings us into another topic about teachers preparing us enough during the project. I personally feel that Mr. F did inform us about the information that was told to him. He did his part. But I feel like the instructors in the media room were scrambling around to teach us. We felt rushed! Maybe that had a negative effect on our presentations and others as well. The pressure were on when we had to edit everything together. Don't get me wrong. I really appreciate them for teaching us how to be young multi-media individuals and help us by trying to fix problems after their work hours. However, if we did it right the first time. Maybe these things would not happen. 

Over all this project was a learning experience that I will remember. I learned not to judge my members by their appearance but, to judge them based upon their performance as a team. I hope that our project can help new members of the TAX OFFICE and inspired younger generations to follow the AOF footsteps. 

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Conficker Virus ‘Time Bomb’ Set To Blow At Midnight Tonight

Millions of Americans across the nation will experience a huge computer meltdown when the clock strikes midnight! A virus is supposedly to be sent out to attack and retain valuable information from users. However, there are software that people can buy to get rid of this virus. Computer wizards give this virus a nickname called "The WORM" People were scared that their files will be removed and spend money to buy the software. However, the 64k question was if this virus was real. The truth stated that it was a prank!! They made this prank to see who will fall for the joke on April Fools Day!

I think this is a great prank! I fell for it, I was scared that my computer was going to get affected so I turned off all the computer in my house. Fun fact: April 1st is my little birthday too! He liked the prank as well.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Oops! UCSD Sends Acceptance E-mail to Wrong List

For seniors that are ready to leave high school and enter a new chapter in their life. College is a huge roller coaster ride to deal with. Since the first semester seniors have already decide or maybe considering applying to the UC systems. You'll think that due to the lack of funding from the government, schools will have to be forced to lower their enrollment rates. The idea of getting a rejection letter would "crush" these hopefuls. UCSD learned this the hard way. They send out 28,889 rejection letters by mistakes. It was a computer glitch sated by the vice chancellor. They apologized for the inconvenience. A second letter was send out to explain the first one.

I think this is a very interesting report because I can relate to the pressure of applying to a college that you really want to go. I hope that these people not mad! Because I would be. BESIDES IT WAS A COMPUTER PROBLEM. I blame the virus from last night!