Thursday, April 2, 2009

Conficker Virus ‘Time Bomb’ Set To Blow At Midnight Tonight

Millions of Americans across the nation will experience a huge computer meltdown when the clock strikes midnight! A virus is supposedly to be sent out to attack and retain valuable information from users. However, there are software that people can buy to get rid of this virus. Computer wizards give this virus a nickname called "The WORM" People were scared that their files will be removed and spend money to buy the software. However, the 64k question was if this virus was real. The truth stated that it was a prank!! They made this prank to see who will fall for the joke on April Fools Day!

I think this is a great prank! I fell for it, I was scared that my computer was going to get affected so I turned off all the computer in my house. Fun fact: April 1st is my little birthday too! He liked the prank as well.

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