Monday, December 8, 2008

What Kids Don't know About Their Healths

All schools require their students to know about health once they gradate from high school. The reason why Health Education is so important, and is a requirement for most juniors and seniors is because most teenagers don’t know what their bodies are going through. Some teenagers do drugs that harm their bodies or drink alcohol underage. Many young people that are growing up are getting more and more sexually active. This means that the chance of being a teenage parent is very high!
The class offer useful knowledge that prevents this from ever happening to another teen again. There are many parts of having this useful class as a requirement to graduate. Because, when young people are exposed to information that is the actual fact. They would actually think twice from doing that to their bodies.
When we think of the word “health”, we think of living long. This term has totally changed throughout the years, because young people are not respecting themselves or their bodies. With Health Ed. as a leading structure, providing useful hints and advice to young people. It’s a great way of helping and promoting health awareness.
Smoking is known to cause cancer, and should definitely be taught in class. Interesting subjects such as these are really magnified in giving students the real hazards that it can cause in the human body.
I think having Health Ed, is a great thing. Because, I get to learn about my body and the way I think. Also, taking in the information that is good or bad for me.
The class itself will also answer any questions that I have about sex, drugs, reproducing, diseases and discovering myself as a person.
Once I learned about health. I have a better understanding of how I should live my life. Also, how I can take care of my “health”.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is a good thing that California has made it a requirement for high school students to take Health Ed. It is more important that they recruit teachers who are passionate about the topics covered. The teachers and guest speakers they bring in act as models for positive habits of body and mind. You should work on writing a feature article on this!