Sunday, September 14, 2008

Saturation Report

Individual assignments:
1. Saturation Report - Go to a location on campus or near the school and observe the location, people and dialogue, body language and the mood of the place. Take very good notes and write up a report on the place, group, or activity. Focus on information and facts rather than feelings and opinions about your subject.

During Sept. 13. 2008 I took part of an annually Mid-Autumn Festival or also know in asian term The Moon Festival. It was a great experience to be in. I was one of the officers that helped set up the event. It was made mostly for the enjoyment of the children that was taking classes there on the weekend. I saw so many games and kids eating cotton candy. I felt as if I was 10 years old myself. The festival started from 10AM and ended around 12AM. I think its a great thing that Vietnamese people are sticking true to their roots. The music and dancing was amazing! Danny and his company was GREAT! MORE THAN GREAT! 
The mood of the place seem to be enjoyable. The news said it might be cloudy.  The sky was so blue and not even a single raindrop appeared. 

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