Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Week 3- Unfinished. "Minh start on it soon!"

This week, we are going to concentrate on learning to use the flash audio recording devices as well as using google docs to share and peer edit our articles for blogging. For the audio recording training, we will focus on student opinions about the Presidential campaign. As for blogging, I would like us to branch out to topics and events that are local to our school or community. We are going to try to tap into the 'buzz' on campus and write original stories about real news. In order to focus this effort, we need to begin narrowing our target reader/audience and use the appropriate language and approach to relate to them.

Individual assignments:
1. Saturation Report - Go to a location on campus or near the school and observe the location, people and dialogue, body language and the mood of the place. Take very good notes and write up a report on the place, group, or activity. Focus on information and facts rather than feelings and opinions about your subject.

2. We are going to use Google Docs to read and provide feedback and editing before we attempt to post the articles to the public. Upload a copy of your blog post as a Word file and share it with everyone in this class. After you have selected your file, click the 'Share' button on the upper right of the window and add everyone in this class as 'collaborators' for this document.

3. Begin searching websites for ideas for your Letter to the Next President. You can save your documents with Google Docs. Go to the National Writing Project website for step-by-step instructions for how the whole process will work:

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